Welcome To The
Florida Chapter of Mystery Writers of America
FMWA is an organization of published and aspiring authors, booksellers, readers, and other industry professionals pursuing a career in or with an interest in crime fiction.
What we do
Monthly Meetings
Compelling and informative speakers
Premier annual conference for writers and fans of mysteries, thrillers, and crime fiction
Critique Groups
Practical feedback from peers
Book Fairs & Festivals
Members participate in events across Florida
The monthly Rap Sheet is full of helpful information
Advice and Guidance
Online discussion group and mentorship
Recent Books by Our Members

Why join?
Membership in MWA provides numerous benefits to published and aspiring authors and others in publishing.
From Our Members
“If you’re looking for a great place to learn about mystery writing and connect with other mystery lovers, there’s really only one choice: Mystery Writers of America!”
“Mystery Writers of America is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants infromation, advice, and cameraderie to progress their writing career.”
“The network of writers I’ve found via the chapter meetings and through SleuthFest has been essential to my craft and to navigating the business of writing. ”
“Gathering, talking, and sitting together in a Mystery Writers of America Florida Chapter meeting; while sharing thoughts, learning, and enjoying a sense of camaraderie created by being surrounded with one’s peers, cannot be adequately described using words alone.”