How do I join the MWA Florida chapter?
You first must join Mystery Writers of America. Once your application is processed, you become assigned to a chapter based on your address. You don’t have to live in Florida to be a Florida chapter member. If you want to be assigned to a different state, simply note this on your application.
What role does a chapter play in the national organization?
MWA has 11 regional chapters and each has its own board and activities, including newsletters, conferences, meetings, speakers, and social events. Each chapter is represented on the National Board by its president.
Do I need to pay extra dues to be in the Florida chapter?
No. Your membership in the chapter is included in your annual national dues.
Who is on the Florida Board of Directors?
SECRETARY: Britin Haller
Bruce Kubec
Ralph Hornbeck
Holly Thompson
José Bográn
Thomas Cavanagh
Who do I contact if I have a question about the chapter?
Is there a chapter newsletter?
Yes. The Rap Sheet is our monthly chapter newsletter exclusively for members.
I would like to network with other writers. How do I start?
When you join our chapter, you’ll get a welcome letter from the chapter president that tells you how to join our online discussion group. We also encourage you to attend meetings and volunteer for our various activities.
What about meetings?
We hold meetings on the third Saturday of every month (with some exceptions). For now, these meetings are held online. We have guest speakers on a variety of topics including writing craft, marketing, and forensics.
Do your activities include the entire state of Florida?
What are some of the chapter's other activities I can get involved in?
We participate in Florida book festivals and hold writing workshops around the state. We always encourage everyone to attend member booksignings and presentations. We also sponsor SleuthFest, an annual conference.
What is Sleuthfest?
My book has been published. How can I change my membership status?
Contact MWA’s national office to change your membership status. The requirements for Active Status membership are here.
Are there discounts available to members?
Yes! Discounts include:
- Discounts on subscriptions to Publishers Weekly, The Writer, The Strand and Mystery Scene magazines. Discount subscription rate to Publisher Alley. Discount to Jane Friedman’s Hot Sheet.
- Discounts on books ordered from Writer’s Digest Books and Writer’s Digest magazine.
- Discounts on books purchased from Murder by the Book in Houston, Texas
How can I get more involved in Mystery Writers of America's Florida Chapter?
Speak up! Volunteer your time and talents. We have committees that can always use good ideas and reliable helpers. We are a volunteer organization and that means we run on good intentions. We are all busy in our personal and professional lives, but you will find your involvement in FL-MWA pays dividends by giving you entry to the mystery community and by providing you with networking opportunities you can’t get on your own.
Even if you can’t volunteer, there are things you can do: Recruit other writers to join. Follow us on social media. Share member news. Tell a librarian or bookstore owner about our group. Promote our chapter when you speak in public, especially at writing conferences and seminars. Attend meetings and special events, and bring guests with you. Make sure we get your new address if you move, your new email address if it changes. Suggest a speaker. Suggest a program. Suggest possible member discounts and benefits. Let us know which activities you like best/least.